About My Performance Practice
I play modular eurorack analog synthesizers with a customizable software I built in MaxMSP that allows me to perform with a variety of different spatial speaker arrays. My software also allows me to control several inputs from the modular with filtering effects, customizable algorithmic spatialization trajectories, and individualized amplitude control. I also use my set up to process other external sound sources such as acoustic and electronic instruments. I also play as one half of the Watson & Kleijn duo.
Upcoming Performances:
A Few Past Performances
CHIMEfest 2023:
a performance by Kari Watson on modular synthesizer and Dana Jessen on Bassoon accompanied by fixed electronics.
An evening length performance piece that explores the concept of relationality. From our first tether, the umbilical cord, to the web of relationships we develop throughout our lives, this performance muses on the question: how are these tethers related?
music and performances for quadraphonic speaker array by Kari Watson (modular synth), Lula Asplund (fixed media), and Dorothy Carlos (cello).